Don’t forget to put the SELF into esteem~!!

It's up to YOU how you view YOURSELF~!!

People that go around name calling, criticizing and stereotyping folks give themselves too much credit.  These negative type of people will go around trying to cut down the next person.  Their goal is to destroy YOUR self-esteem.  They will knit-pick anything they feel is different from what they classify as the “NORM”. They will say things to knock you off your game because truthfully they are so far from their middle, it isn’t even funny. 

What these type of people don’t realize that in order for you to have self-worth & confidence….you must have self-esteem.  Sadly they don’t know that in order to have self-esteem it must start with YOURSELF. {Not them}

So even though these type of people are out there to destroy your good spirit’s, positive living and joyful demeanor. Remember that:  A.) No one can steal your joy if you don’t let them and B.) It’s takes yourself to tear down your self-esteem~!!

In order to feel good about yourself…it takes you.  If you choose to believe the ill thoughts and feeling that others spit about you. Then and only then is when you are allowing others to attack your SELF-ESTEEM.  How you feel about yourself is your business.  Know that you build your character.  Not the words of another imperfect human being.

If people want to classify you as a Hoe….and you know good and well that you don’t prostitute your body for a living…Why feed into their idea’s of you?  Who cares what they think?  The questions that you should be trying to get answers to is WHY DO I CONCERN YOU SO MUCH? 

Seriously, if these people who try to pass judgement on you is so spectacular, interesting and valued. Why do they preoccupy themselves with all your business, life issues and love life? Ask yourself and them that question.  Why do my looks, love and life concern or irritate you?

It’s time for the so-called “judgemental ones” TO FIND A LIFE~!!  It’s time for you to remember that no one can damage your self-esteem.  Back in the day your parents was your protectors.  They made certain that you didn’t hear, see or be around anything that was destructive to your emotional, mental and physical make-up.  Now as adults we think that we can expose ourselves to these things and they don’t affect us…because we are an adult. WRONG.  It matters what you look at, read and who you associate with.  It all affects the make-up of you.  So as you was taught back in the day, “You are what you eat, read, watch or gather with” It is true…and if you sacrifice your self-worth to surround yourself with these destructive people…YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING YOUR OWN SELF ESTEEM~!!

I have to keep it 100% real with you.  It’s time to realize that as adults we are our own parents now.  If something is wearing down on you….if your feeling as if your heart is heavy…if you can’t find nothing positive to say about yourself.  It may be time to first evaluate your association.  Then check your own heart.  Just because television tell you that blonde and blue eyes are the best.  Doesn’t mean that it is correct.  It is one persons opinion…and we know that opinions are just like anus’ everyone have one. Oh and they are full of ISH~!!  

Turn off them programs that derive this feeling of self hate in yourself.  Start to surround yourself with positive images of YOU, your people, your likes and watch how much your self-esteem will grow.  I can not stress enough the importance of taking time out to love, admire and adore the beauty that you manifest. 

Example:  Back in the day before I was thrust into a world that held prejudice, unkind words and stereotypes.  I didn’t know what or never even heard the word “NIGGER” before.  Truthfully.  We lived in a primary black area until I was like 6 or 7.  Next thing I knew some little caucasian boy in the new neighborhood was calling me that derogatory word.  I immediately ran into the house and asked my Daddy what is that? It was explained to me…and the way my Mama is she made certain that we knew the proper meaning to the word, also.  So right there I learned that the word didn’t apply to me and that I will not allow another person’s opinion to change who I am.  So after that I noticed a sign on our wall.  It stuck with me for time to come.  My Dad put it up to instill what I have known all along.  It read, “BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!” 

This sign reminded me every day that I was as beautiful as any one of, God’s creations. PERIOD.  Sometime we have to realize that WE are responsible for our own SELF-ESTEEM. Or else it would be called OTHERS ESTEEM.  Oh and let me tell you if our individual esteem rested on the opinions of others…there would be so much more depression, suicide ect. ect.  Because there are many people in this world that LOVE misery and will intentionally try to drag you into it.

In closing my whole reason for this topic is to let you know that YOU are responsible for your esteem.  Don’t ever doubt how important, beautiful, special, intelligent you are because another person does.  Their opinions really don’t count when it comes to you LOVING you.  Never allow no one to mess up your good relationship with yourself. FEEL ME???


Thanks so much for reading.   I appreciate your time, patience and love.  If nothing else comes across today, to you…know that your inner voice should be your best friend. It should be your biggest cheerleader.  All them outside voices will continue to be there.  If you listen to your inner voice though.  The one that tells you the truth. Like you are worthy, beautiful, intelligent….It will not only encourage you but, it will yell louder over all the hatred that others try to feed you. AGAPE.
