Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?

Greener Grass or More problems...

Is the grass greener on the other side?  This is a question that many ask over and over again.  Folks sit back and dream up what it would be like to live like the next person is.  Do this thought process encourage a happy existence?  Are you missing out on what others have, is their grass truly greener?

I have thought about this type of coveting.  It’s counter productive to continue to look at what others have longing to have the same.  If you are intended to have those things I believe that you would have them.  Not everything is for everybody.  Not only that do you really know what goes on with that other person?  It may seem as if their grass is greener. However, have you really grabbed your binoculars and examined their grass before you start looking at your own grass as undesirable?

Sean “P Diddy” Combs aka Diddy Dirty Money or whatever he wants to call himself these days.  Said it best, “More Money More Problems”.  I believe it’s true.  When you make more money you tend to create more bills.  Along with the money comes folks that you may or may not be sure their reason for being around.  Also you worry more when you have more.  You worry about if someone will want to come and take whatever you have. SO on and so forth.  In turn you will find yourself buying more insurance, alarms and safe’s to protect what you have.  When you leave the house you worry about these material things.  All this stress and worrying over a few extra items.  Is it really worth it….is that grass greener?

I have found that many different people covet, many different things.  Never realizing that their life is the way it is because it fit’s them.  I have seen folks that will covet the next person mate.  They want what that next person have.  Even though they may have at home a loving, caring, supportive person.  They get overtaken with one thing that the next person have and began to discredit their own “GOOD THING”.  Then once they get that person they coveted they find out rapidly that the person isn’t right for them.  They have nothing in common with them or they don’t get the same results as the previous person did with that person.  It’s because not everything is for everyone.  One example of the grass not being greener on the other side.

Other times I witnessed folks working two to three jobs to obtain what someone have materially.  A Bigger house or a fancier vehicle.  Only thing is when these things become property of theirs they realize that with the glitz and glam comes many more responsibilities.  A bigger house means, higher gas/electric and repair bills….is the grass greener? A fancier car leads to higher car repair bill due to the parts being more expensive.  Is it really a lush land beyond that fence? Or are you giving up your peace of mind?  Having to work double as hard to keep these things but, never having time to enjoy them!

Realizing that not everything is for you is key, to realizing that your grass suits you just fine.  You may have a regular car…but even if you did have a fancier WHIP would you be able to maintain what you have?  No, now you have to nearly kill yourself to keep up the appearance of this more expensive item.  If you have it, {MONEY} that is one thing.  When you don’t, is when you need to realize that your grass may have been just fine the way you had it.

So is the grass greener?  I have found that if you focus on your grass.  Your piece of land.  Your personal lawn….you will find that the grass is NOT greener on the other side.  You will find that like many things in life it is all an illusion.  It’s a trap to lure you away from your happy existence and into the arms of more stress, anxiety and drama.  Appreciate what you have and realize that with a little work at what you do have.  If you fertilize the humble grounds you stand on…you may be surprised what beautiful land you have on your side of the fence.

I appreciate you reading.  I look forward to your comments on this matter.  It is something that many fall victim to.  I find that such shows as MTV CRIBS or Pimp my Ride encourages this emotion in us.  We look to others and wish to have what they have.  What we forget is what they have to do, to get it.  It just may not be what we need in our lives.  Agape. ❤
